Monday, 3 August 2020

How to Protect Against Witchcraft?

How to Protect Against Witchcraft?
There are several methods of protection against witchcraft which are divided into two groups: The active method and the passive method.
Active method of protection against witchcraft
The active method is based on prayers and spiritual actions. Usually this involves the use of plants, incense, salt, and symbolic methods of protection against witchcraft.
Symbolic methods of protection are the most effective way to protect yourself from witchcraft. These methods use the strength of a person's mind and ability to concentrate. This allows him to send out positive energy flows. These flows, with intention and will, can create a ball of protective energy (like a magnetic shield) that helps to fight against the coming of a spell or even an evil eye. The demons who come to serve the spell find themselves persecuted by the protective magnetic field. In some cases, they burn themselves and die. This method is not accessible to a beginner, it takes a lot of practice, visualization and a lot of faith to be able to apply it.
Passive method of protection against witchcraft
The passive method, on the other hand, involves the use of incense, a parchment or a special Talisman that will reach our spiritual body. The latter creates like a magnetic shield that aims to protect and counter the advent of a new witchcraft.
In many cultures, the use of parchment, for example, helps protect a newborn baby from the onset of witchcraft or the evil eye. The scroll usually contains symbols and plants known for their virtues against occult evils.
Wossou Dogboli
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May the blessings be

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