Sunday, 28 March 2021

How to use white magic to attract the love or attention of a loved one?

 How to use white magic to attract the love or attention of a loved one?

Many people suffer for lack of love. In reality, love is a feeling of well-being, confidence and satisfaction that everyone would like to experience. Sometimes it is difficult to experience this feeling. Either because love has not yet appeared in your life, or the loved and desired person does not love you back. Fortunately, there are ways like white magic to get the love or attention of a loved one. Discover more precision.

What is white magic and when to use it?

A practice based on ancestral beliefs and the use of somewhat mysterious methods, white magic is taking more place in society. White magic is understood to mean a set of rituals which aims to interact with certain aspects of life that involve white magic love, white magic luck (work, finances, prosperity), health, etc. It allows these aspects to be changed in a positive direction. White magic unlike other types of magic (black and red), can activate positive forces in your life and prevent certain situations that can be disastrous. Also, this type of magic can be used to deflect bad spells in your life and to bring you happiness.

Moreover, the operation of white magic is simple. It is based on the use of rituals, the laws of an invisible universe and spells with elemental accessories, not hard to find. These are among others: candles of different colors, flowers, essential oils, perfume, stones, matches, etc. Some rituals can be performed with food, including bananas, honey, plants, etc.

How to perform a love ritual?

To perform a love ritual and hope for successful results, you need to be in a certain state of mind. Indeed, you must have positive thoughts, know what you want, protect yourself with the necessary ingredients and above all handle them well to succeed in the ritual. For example, if you just want to have a good time with the target, you can do a courtship ritual instead of a love ritual. The latter includes a certain notion of commitment and is carried out to attract and fall in love with a specific person while seeking a certain durability in the relationship. These two types of rituals require different ingredients and accomplishments. With this shade established, you should now learn how to perform white magic.

All white magic is achieved with the help of 4 essential elements, including fire, air, earth, wind. In performing the ritual, each of these elements must be represented by specific ingredients. In addition, the rituals of love of white magic should be performed in a clean place, at the breast, where no one will disturb you. In addition, both the days of the week and the full moon influence the feelings and therefore the results of your ritual. Being directly linked to the stars, the favorable day for a love spell is Friday, because it is ruled by Venus (planet of women, beauty, love ...).

However, if you don't put some seriousness into performing the ritual, it will not be able to work and therefore, you will not have the expected result. You should put yourself in the shoes of the bewitcher and think like him. Be aware that this type of magic has no consequences or side effects on the person being spellbound or on you.

What rituals of white magic to perform to find love?

There are so many white magic rituals you can do to find love. The important thing is to know the ingredients associated with them and above all, to respect the rules for making them. Check Out Simple Recipes You Can Make Below

White magic ritual to find love

This ritual is very simple and harmless. You will only need to summon the right spirits. Also, you will have to use objects such as the white or red candle, honey, toothpick, and matches.

To perform this ritual, sit in front of a well-cleaned table. Take the candle, write your name on one side and then on the other side the name of your loved one using the toothpick. On the other two sides, write the word "love" and coat the candle with honey so that it passes through the inscriptions. Then light the candle with the match and let it burn while concentrating on the flame and saying the phrase to attract love, three times, then let the candle burn until the end. Once completely consumed, throw the candle into flowing water (river or stream).

The formula is flame of Venus, flame of love. Burn in the heart of (say your lover's name). May his love be given to me and may he come to me waiting for him.

Emotional return ritual

We perform the emotional return ritual when we notice the first signs of estrangement from our partner. As an ingredient you will need two red candles, a photo of the loved one, your favorite piece of jewelry (preferably gold), matches.

Place the candles on the table and between them place the photo of the individual. Then light the candles. Take the jewel with your hand and make 07 circles above the photo with the jewel in hand, clockwise while viewing the happy moments with it, then say the formula. Repeat the steps twice in succession. This ritual must be performed during 03 consecutive evenings during the week of the new moon.

The formula is: "" I call on you Venus, goddess of love, Venus who gives the happiness of love, please. Make (person's first name) come back to me, in love as on the first day, soon and forever.

In short, white magic is harmless magic and has no consequences for the person who uses it. There are several rituals for finding love or rituals of emotional return. It is enough to respect the stages of realization as well as the ingredients to benefit from the results.

Please contact your Psychic Medium for more information

Wossou Dogboli

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May the blessings be ...

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