Sign by sign who are you really
Astrology is the knowledge of man, his character, his psychology, his faults and his qualities, I approach on tiptoe, with a touch of humor to qualify the horror, the hidden face, dark, signs of the zodiac.
We know from experience that the human species is not made of angels or little saints. Each of us conceals, under the veneer of education and politeness, shameful urges, fierce greed, innate wickedness and depravity.
Alongside the beneficial aspects, I reveal the evil and harmful tendencies of each sign, the moral, emotional or sexual predispositions of the partners so as not to marry in just wedding by putting the noose around the neck, the partners to whom we will entrust our strength work, our money, deal with a case.
"Enter the mystery"
The signs of the zodiac
Aries - March 21 to April 20
First sign of the Zodiac, ruled by the planet PLUTO, sign of fire, embodying creative thought, it gives you remarkable intellectual qualities. This sign symbolizing the field of knowledge can lead you to seek the secrets of life.
Taurus - April 21 to May 20
This fixed and earth sign, of which the governing star is VENUS, gives you a brilliant, precise, logical and seductive mind. In your actions you seem rather tenacious; loving passionately and eager for knowledge.
Gemini - May 21 to June 21
This sign of air, sterile and dry, of which the governing star is MERCURY, gives you a mind with quick and lively reaction. There is in you a permanent duality, a double personality hence a very complex nature. You are interested in multiple activities, your knowledge is extensive but superficial, your conversations are often rich and varied.
Cancer - June 22 to July 23
This sign of water and femininity represents the fetus which is embodied. This sign of which the governing star is the MOON, gives you a logical, brilliant and fertile mind. Impressionable and sensitive, you are quite vulnerable, so you are obliged to protect yourself from outside influences.
Leo - July 24 to August 23
This sign of fire, dry and masculine, is the sign of the heart, of the vital momentum par excellence. This sign of which the ruling star is the SUN, gives you a brilliant and seductive spirit. You like to shine, dominate, radiate with all your brilliance. This sign gives you a proud and majestic character and makes you look elegant. You take great care of your beauty and your toilet. You do not go unnoticed.
Virgo - August 24 to September 23
This earth sign, dry and sterile, of which the governing star is MERCURY, gives you a spirit oscillating between uncertainty, anxiety about the vital, and psychic maturity. This sign is one of the most complex in the zodiac because of its ambivalence. Your nervous type, your inner mental life predominating over your outer physical life, make you an introvert, often withdrawn into yourself.
Libra - September 24 to October 23
This sign of air, clammy and semi-fertile gives you a fragile, unstable mind. This sign of which the governing star is VENUS, has not endowed you with a developed vital impetus. You are a perpetual hesitant, having difficulty in deciding when to make a choice which often leads you to inaction. This decline brings about in you a decrease in will vitality. You are a kind, gentle and kind being, always ready to help, considerate, caring.
Scorpio - October 24 to November 22
This sign of water, therefore wet and fertile, is one of the most difficult to live with. This sign of which the ruling star is PLUTO, gives you a spirit of instability and illogicality. It is the sexual power that reacts this "fixed" sign, an instinctive power, aggressive even, destructive even in the worst case.
Sagittarius - November 23 to December 21
This dry and sterile sign, of which the governing star is JUPITER, gives you a spirit having acquired from birth all the magnificence and all the exaggerations of temperament. Your intelligence is lively, your decisions quick, your spirit of synthesis immediately, you judge all things at a glance but do not always go into them further.
Capricorn - December 22 to January 20
This sign of earth, fertile and moist, of which the governing star is SATURN, gives you a spirit of patience and observation. You are at first quite cold, with a serious air, even anxious, with a tendency towards black melancholy and pessimism. You are naturally patient and aim for distant goals which you usually reach as you move forward slowly but surely, recovering from failure with difficulty.
Aquarius - January 21 to February 19
This air sign, expresses thought, love of life and kindness. This sign, whose governing star is URANUS, gives you a lively mind. Original, nonconformist, unruly, you shake up traditions, you reject social norms, you transgress its laws, its conventions. Ahead of your time, you think outside the box with cutting-edge ideas and your tastes that are out of the ordinary
Pisces - February 20 to March 20
This water sign, of which the governing star is NEPTUNE, gives you an elusive mind, unstable but more receptive than a heightened sensitivity allows. You appear enigmatic, mystical, elusive, impenetrable. You seem at first glance not to have your own personality, often making reference to others, even identifying yourself with them, to express your ideas; you live in an unreal world. You are very receptive to outside influences.
Wossou Dogboli
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May the blessings be ...
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